شات شباب وبنات العرب افضل شات عربي دردشة عربية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
(“'•.¸§((`'•.¸*عضو متقدم*¸.•'´))§ ¸.•”)
(“'•.¸§((`'•.¸*عضو متقدم*¸.•'´))§ ¸.•”)
عدد المساهمات : 104
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نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Empty نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك

الجمعة مايو 21, 2010 5:19 pm
أهم الأسئلة ولاحظ كم تكررت مرارا وتكرارا هذه الاسئلة فى المحافظات ركز
عزيزى الطال وزميلى المدرس على هذه الاسئلة

هاهو المحتوى لمن ليس لدية اوفيس 207

a) Answer the following questions:
1. How did Professor Lidenbrock know the place where his
nephew was lost?

2. How far apart were Axel and his uncle?
3. Why did Axel lose consciousness?
4. What did he see when he woke up?
b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. The explorers had entered the Earth through the extinct
Volcano of Sneffels and returned through ………………………………………

2. When Axel fell, he broke his …………………………………………………
A) Answer
the following questions:

1- Because uHe could
calculate how apart they were.
vAxel's voice took
20 seconds to reach his uncle.
w(from that) he
calculated that they were six kilometres apart.

2- they were six kilometres apart.
3- Because he fell down a well and hit his head on a sharp

4- When he woke up, he saw his uncle and he saw there was
light coming from somewhere.

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Cool Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. The explorers had entered the Earth through the extinct
volcano of Sneffels and returned through the active volcano of

2. When Axel fell, he broke his electric torch.
a) Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the light at the Lidenbrock Sea strange? What did
it look like?

2. What was strange about the size of the trees and plants
that they saw?

3. How did the Professor intend to cross the Lidenbrock Sea?
4. How did Hans catch a fish?
b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. When Hans caught an extinct fish, Axel wondered

2. Hans caught a fish that existed only as a …………………………………
A) Answer
the following questions:

1- uThe light at the Lidenbrock Sea was strange, vthere were no lamps. wThe light was
cold and white, unlike sunlight or moonlight.

2- The trees and plants were much taller than
they were on the surface of the Earth.

3- The Professor intended to ينوى أن cross the sea on a raft. uHans cut down some trees andv tied
them together to make a raft.

4- uHe tied a hook on to the end of a rope,v put some meat on it, wand threw it
into the sea.

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Cool Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- When Hans caught an extinct fish, Axel wondered what
other wonderful creatures they would meet on their voyage.

2- Hans caught a fish that existed only as a fossil on

a) Answer the following questions:
1. Why did the fish Hans caught from Lidenbrock Sea seem

2. What other creatures did Axel dream of finding?
3. How did the explorers try to measure the depth of the

4. What surprised the explorers when they tried to measure
the depth of the sea?

b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. When the Professor pulled up the pickaxe that was tied to
rope, he found …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Axel awakened suddenly because the raft had been lifted
out of the water by a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A) Answer
the following questions:

1- The fish that Hans caught was strange because it had a
flat head, no tail and no eyes.

2- Axel dreamed of finding lizards or birds that lived on
the Earth millions of years ago.

3- The Professor tied a pickaxe on to the end of a long rope
and threw it into the sea.

4- They were surprised because there were teeth marks on the
pickaxe. A monster had bitten into the iron of the pickaxe.

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Cool Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- When the Professor pulled up the pickaxe that was tied
to the rope, he found marks of a monster's teeth on the pickaxe.

2- Axel awakened suddenly because the raft had been lifted
out of the water by a huge sea monster (that threw them into the

a) Answer the following questions:
1. What did Axel find along the shore of the sea?
2. Why didn't the characters lower their sail during the

3. When did Axel forget the dangers of their journey?
4. What did Axel want to do when he saw the huge fountain of

b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1) Axel's gun would probably be …………………………………………………………
2) The sea monsters did not attack the explorers. Instead,
they attacked ……………

A) Answer
the following questions:

1- Along the shore of the sea, Axel found the bones of
extinct animals.

2- They didn't lower the sail because the Professor wanted
the storm to take them away (and move them quickly).

3- Axel forgot the dangers of their journey when they found
the initials "A.S." carved in the rock to guide them.

4- When Axel saw the huge fountain of water, he wanted to
sail as far away as possible.

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Cool Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- Axel's gun would probably be useless against the
sea monsters

2- The sea monsters did not attack the explorers. Instead ,
they attacked each other.

a) Answer the following questions:
1. What do the letters A. S. stand for?
2. What did Axel see in the forest?
3. When did the Professor realise that they were in the
middle of an active volcano?

4. Why didn't Axel remember much about the explosion?
b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. The sea monsters' fight lasted

2. When the explorers saw the huge fountain of water, the
Professor wanted to …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A) Answer
the following questions:

1- The letters A.S. stand for Arne Saknussemm.
2- Axel saw trees that were the colour of sand (pale
yellow). They had no lower branches. And he saw giant animals called

3- The Professor realised they were in the middle of an
active volcano when the needle of the compass was going from north to
south , and from east to west.

4- The heat was unbearable and he lost consciousness.
نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Cool Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- The sea monsters' fight lasted for two or three hours.
2- When the explorers saw the huge fountain of water, the
Professor wanted to sail straight ahead.

a) Answer the following questions:
1. When did the explorers realise that they were in Italy?
2. Early on in the story, Axel had a dreadful dream. How did
this dream come true?

3. Which famous mountain were the explorers thrown out of?
4. How had the explorers 'exchanged the cold of the North
for the warmth of the South?

b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. The huge dark shape in the sea was as high as a …………… and
at least …………

2. A geyser is a ………………………………………………………………………………
A) Answer
the following questions:

1- They realised they were in Italy when the small boy could
answer them only in Italian.

2- He dreamed that he was in a volcano and it exploded, but
he did not die in the explosion.

3- The explorers were thrown out of the mountain of

4- They got into Sneffels in Iceland (cold) and went out of
Stromboli in the south of Italy (warm).

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Cool Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- The huge dark shape in the sea was as high as a
and at least two kilometres long.

2- A geyser is a fountain of hot water and steam.
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عدد المساهمات : 3395
نقاط : 67005
النشاط : 2005
العمر : 33

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Empty رد: نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك

الأربعاء أغسطس 11, 2010 9:51 am
شكراااااعلى الموضوع
•°o.O نائب مدير عام O.o°•
•°o.O نائب مدير عام O.o°•
عدد المساهمات : 5172
نقاط : 71033
النشاط : 3012
العمر : 29

نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك Empty رد: نماذج القصة الستة بالاجابات النموذجية ولا تتعب نفسك

الإثنين مايو 30, 2011 2:46 pm
شكرا لك
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