شات شباب وبنات العرب افضل شات عربي دردشة عربية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
•°o.O نائب مدير عام O.o°•
•°o.O نائب مدير عام O.o°•
عدد المساهمات : 5172
نقاط : 70983
النشاط : 3012
العمر : 29

نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM Empty نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM

الجمعة أبريل 23, 2010 2:32 am

نسخة منتدى vBulletin v3.7.1 اخر اصدار مكسورة من فريق DGT Nulled

  • Fast and efficient database back end

<li>[center]Template driven interface

Powerful search engine

******** system

Custom user fields

Extensive admin control panel

Unlimited forums/posts

Inline moderation

Flexible plugin system


It is four weeks today since the 'gold' release of vBulletin 3.7.0. In
that time, we have been busy squashing the inevitable collection of
bugs that get reported after large numbers of customers deploy a new
major version to their servers.

We would like to take this opportunity to convey the details of a new release schedule that we will now be rolling out.

Scheduled Maintenance Releases

In order to make our maintenance release schedule more predictable for
customers, and in an attempt to ensure that bug fixes are passed on to
users in a timely fashion, we will now be implementing a regime of
pre-scheduled maintenance releases.

A maintenance release is classified as one that contains day-to-day bug
fixes that do not include serious data loss issues or security flaws.
They are designated (usually) by an incrementing of the third version
digit, such as 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3 etc.

Toward the end of each month, the developers will evaluate the quantity
and severity of the bugs found and fixed in the previous month. If
there has been an abnormally high number of bugs reported, or the
severity of some of the bugs fixed is considered to warrant an early
release, the next maintenance version will be brought forward and will
be released to customers on the final Tuesday of that month.

If the quantity and severity of bugs is not unusual, the maintenance
version will be released on the final Tuesday of the month, two months
following the previous maintenance version.

Security Flaws and Data-Loss Bugs

As usual, we will any fix security flaws and serious data loss bugs as
soon as we become aware of their existence, and will do a release as
soon as the fix is implemented and tested.

Wherever possible, this will be done in the form of a Patch Level (PL)
release, where only a small number of files are updated and no upgrade
script is required, but when this is not possible, a full release will
be performed, as was the case with 3.6.10 and 3.7.0 Release Candidate

Notable Changes and Improvements

New Settings

  • Allow Owners to Delete Social Group if Empty
    This option will allow any group owner to delete a Social Group if they
    are the only member of that group (even if they lack the "Can Delete
    Own Social Groups" permission)
  • Thread Tag Banned Words

    These words will be checked in addition to those listed in
    includes/searchwords.php to form a list of words whose use is banned

  • Thread Tag Allowed Words
    Words entered here will be allowed as tags, regardless of whether or
    not their use would be otherwise disallowed due to length, censorship,
    commonality etc.
  • Tag Cloud: Build Usergroup
    The tag cloud pulls together data from threads in many forums. Users
    may not be able to see all the threads that make up the tag cloud
    results. With this option, you can force the tag cloud to be built as
    if it were viewed by a particular usergroup.

Feature Improvements

Option to control deletion of empty social groups.

Previously, users without permission to delete their own group could
always delete the group if no one else was a member of the group. This
caused a potential loophole, related to kicking members from the group.
There is a new option to control whether owners can delete empty groups
without the normal delete group permissions.

Tag delimiter now customizable.

Board administrators can now customize the delimiter used for tagging
threads. The comma will still always be used, but this allows
administrators to specify a ********-specific delimiter (like an Arabic
comma) or change to use spaces to separate tags.

Customizable "good words" and "bad words" lists for tags.

Administrators can now specify words that they always want to allow as
tags, regardless of commonality or length ("good words"). They can also
specifically list words that would be valid tags, but shouldn't be
allowed ("bad words"). Be aware that these settings are for exact
matches only, not tags that contain particular words.

Tachy Support for Visitor Messages and Picture Comments

Visitor messages and picture comments now fully support the Tachy Goes to Coventry global ignore system.

Upload Memory Improvements

The way file uploads are handled have been re-written in order to
reduce memory usage, it is now possible to upload an attachment of
several hundred megabytes while only using a few kilobytes of memory.
This new method only works when attachments are stored in the

تحميل نسخة منتدى رائعه


اضغط هنا


اضغط هنا


اضغط هنا
عدد المساهمات : 404
نقاط : 60994
النشاط : 1007
العمر : 44

نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM Empty رد: نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM

الجمعة مايو 14, 2010 4:30 am
رائع ومفيد جداا تمام الى الامام
! ஜ .¸¸ ﬗm عضو فضىmﬗ ¸¸. ஜ
! ஜ .¸¸ ﬗm عضو فضىmﬗ ¸¸. ஜ
عدد المساهمات : 152
نقاط : 52736
النشاط : 0
العمر : 32

نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM Empty رد: نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM

الخميس مايو 20, 2010 12:10 am
بارك الله فيك

الى الآمام

والتقدم تميزنا والاهداف تحققنا والمستقبل يفدنا
مشرف سيلك رود
مشرف سيلك رود
عدد المساهمات : 1044
نقاط : 55337
النشاط : 1002
العمر : 36

نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM Empty رد: نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM

السبت يوليو 31, 2010 6:29 pm
جـــميل شــكراا
^~*¤©[£] المراقب العام [£]©¤*~^
^~*¤©[£] المراقب العام [£]©¤*~^
عدد المساهمات : 3395
نقاط : 66955
النشاط : 2005
العمر : 33

نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM Empty رد: نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM

الخميس سبتمبر 30, 2010 12:36 pm
شكرااااااااااااا على عرض النسخة
مشرف الالعاب الاون لاين
مشرف الالعاب الاون لاين
عدد المساهمات : 1139
نقاط : 58934
النشاط : 3000
العمر : 33

نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM Empty رد: نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM

السبت أبريل 02, 2011 12:50 am
نسخة منتدى vb3.7.1 PL1 منزوعة كود التبليغ من قبل فريق vBTEAM 466205
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة
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لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى